Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Time For School...

Now that Isaiah Daniel Reyes is 3, he feels he is ready for school. On the way home he asked Angie to take him to school. In an attempt to appease him she simply said "Yes", then Isaiah asked, "mom, where's my homework?" only if he knew what homework was. Later going to Granma Maria's house he seemed to have remembered school and got his camouflaged backpack put his essential toys in their and told Angie "mom lets go to school"

Isaiah is not yet ready for school, but if he keeps up this desire for education another 25 years he'll be successful.

Isaiah is learning to drive, in this picture he is on the trainer course at the Santa Monica Pier.

This picture was taken the same day at Angelato Italian ice shop in Santa Monica too.

This picture was taken at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach.

1 comment:

Glen said...

You blogged again! Nice photos. Great thought about the next 25 years of education. I know Isaiah is a smart dude because he has great genes.