Saturday, April 28, 2007

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The Boys

Jake and Ice chillin' on Saturday morn'
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One Month Old, (not quite)

Jacob is now 1 month and one day old. He is amazing and challenging at the same time. He has been a great learning experience including for Isaiah.

Family has been a great support for us and as far as Jacob is concerned, more arms is better.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Not quite ready to play yet...

Brotherly love...

Isaiah loves his brother so far.

Isaiah told clearly explained the concept of jealousy and said he wasn't jealous.

Angie asked why Isaiah would be jealous and he said because of Jacob and he said he loves his brother.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Vintage Isaiah

This is Isaiah less than 1 year old when we lived in downtown. Posted by Picasa


Ashley holds his Jacob in her arms, both are quite new to this. Posted by Picasa
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Granma's arms...

I'm sure Isaiah would agree that there is no arms like the spoiling arms of a grand mother. Posted by Picasa

Our first outing...

Jacob prepares to go to the doctor for his first check-up. The outcome was good, so far he had gained 1/2 a pound, right on the mark for an infant his age. Posted by Picasa

The scale of things to come...

This is jus the begining. I guess as Jacob grows I will nee two hands to hold his diaper. Posted by Picasa

Goin' Home...

Angie, Isaiah, Jacob and I prepare to go home for the first time as a complete family. Posted by Picasa
Jacob soothing himself after a meal. Isaiah gave Ruff Ruff to Jacob as a show of brotherly love. Posted by Picasa
Angie and Jacob have a moment after a great meal. Posted by Picasa

Jacob Turn 2 Weeks Old...

Jacob has brought even more joy to our family.

Isaiah so far accepts his brother, and says he loves his baby brother.